Siddham PolyIndia At a Glance


We bridge the gap between Technology & Nature

Our core belief, “Building Better Sustainably,” is upheld at every step. Recycling the used products brings in cyclic consumerism and improves the sustainability ratio.


Together we are strong

Our crew is always getting bigger, but we all work toward one goal: to make the world a better place.

Together with our clients, we create a circular, zero-waste solution for plastic waste by recycling and producing recycled PET flakes. The facility has a state-of-the-art industrial infrastructure equipped with the latest PET recycling setup, enabling best-in-class, A-Grade PET products delivered to our clients quickly.

The manufacturing facility is fully automated and equipped with sophisticated plastic recycling methods. Hi-tech equipment coupled with a large capacity for adequate stocking of raw materials and finished products ensures timely delivery of products.

Vision and Mission

Transforming the World-One Step after another

In this fast-paced world of cut-throat competition, Siddham PolyIndia aspires to be the best not only in terms of business and numbers but also in building trust and long-term relationships with our customers.

Siddham PolyIndia commenced with the idea of healing nature by recycling waste and building new things from what has been discarded. We have indeed come a long way. Since the time of inception, we have discovered better, more efficient ways of recycling PET which helps us become more sustainable and nature friendly. We never compromise on the quality of the products we produce. Customer satisfaction always comes first, and the team at Siddham works with passion and zeal to attain the unattainable. Today around 40% of India’s waste goes unrecycled, and we aspire to change these dynamics with our efforts to recycle more waste every day and turn it into something useful.

How we do it

Our service lifecycle begins with the collection of plastic waste from waste source suppliers, helping them reduce their carbon footprint. Our team ensures standard protocols are maintained while procuring, sorting, and cleaning the waste. The promise of great products and seamless services has made us a trustworthy name in the industry in such a short span of time. We strive to strengthen it further, progressing one step at a time.

How We Work

We believe in providing solutions for a better future by ensuring effective waste collection and zero waste recycling. First-class quality is served to our customers without compromising guidelines and the importance of timely delivery. We work vigorously to guarantee a seamless experience for our clients.

Meet The Team

Great Leadership Inspires Confidence


Devanshu Podar

An enthusiastic young entrepreneur with varied experiences set up SiddhamPolyIndia in 2018. Devanshu, a BBA graduate in the marketing field, completed his BBA with a marketing specialization. His exposure at TISS brought new world ideas to his thought and helped him build a strong yet new outlook toward the world. He stayed in a corporate job for five years and then left the 9-5 web to pursue his true calling.
His liberation came from start-ups, aimed at the financial world and building a sustainable world. He started by trading PET films, and today Siddham PolyIndia produces PET films and PET flakes from PET post-consumer waste bottles. In this world of consumerism and capitalism, young minds seeking change like him are the wheels of change. Most professionals today think of climbing up the professional ladder but Devanshu is carving out a niche for himself while healing the planet. He strongly believes in the holistic growth of resources and business. The breakthrough path he has chosen makes him one of the few who can define their success and build it.